It was a long time coming, but our first hearing to ban the mRNA vaccines in humans occurred last Friday, February 7th, in the House Judiciary committee. To watch the opening statement and first expert testimony, our own Dr Christy Drivdahl-Smith, click here. Click here if you’d like to watch the entire hearing. We had powerful Zoom testimony from Dr Peter Thorp, OBGyn, FL and written testimony and public endorsement from:
Dr Brooke Miller, FLCCC senior fellow, Virginia
Dr Mary Talley Bowden, Founder, Americans for Health Freedom, Texas
Dr Peter McCullough, Chief Scientific Officer, The Wellness Company, Texas
Dr Kat Lindley, President Global Health Project & Honest Medicine International
Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, Virginia
Of course, the opponents were out in full force (MMA, MNA, MT Board of Pharmacists, MT Families for Vaccines, MT Bioscience Alliance, as well as individual MDs and scientists) and they attempted to categorize Dr Drivdahl-Smith as a “fringe…1%”, but the evidence presented was irrefutable and we believe that the bill will be passed out of committee. The committee vote will be later this week. It would be fantastic if the committee could hear loud and clear from Montanans that you want this bill passed. Here’s the link to send the committee a message: House Judiciary
There has been some talk about why a medical freedom organization would be in support of taking away an individual’s right to choose a treatment option. In most cases, we agree with free market choices and the ability to choose whatever healthcare choice we want (exceptions being sanctity of life issues and gender transition in minors). The issues are when true informed consent cannot be given and when the product is fraudulent.
Both are true in the case of the mRNA vaccines. Informed consent was not correctly obtained because of two primary reasons: 1) Other treatment options available must be presented to the patient. In the case of the covid shots, early treatment options were censored and shut down. The public was led to believe that the only option they had to protect themselves from covid were the vaccines, when in fact, those who were treated early or preventively with all sorts of various off-label, safe, generic, and cheap treatment modalities fared very well. Another issue with informed consent is the lack of long-term clinical trials, so a healthcare provider could, in no way, list possible risks or adverse effects of taking the shot. 2) The mRNA vaccines are fraudulent. They were marketed ad nauseam as “safe and effective”, neither of which are true. As far as safety, the death toll reported to VAERS directly related to the vaccines is 38,264 as of Dec 2024. Previously, vaccines were removed from market with a fraction of those numbers (Polio vaccine removed after 10 deaths, Swine flu vaccine removed after 53 deaths). As far as effectiveness, they have now been shown to have a negative efficacy; the more booster one receives, the higher the incidence of covid infection. They do not prevent infection, transmission or reduce severity of the disease.
Dr Drivdahl created a document with key studies to substantiate these points. Please take a look here.
To see the other bills that we are actively engaging on, please follow our legislative tracker, which is also available and updated on our website as
Again, many thanks to Rep Greg Kmetz, R (Miles City) for carrying this great bill. Boy is he making waves across the country! This X post received almost 41k views in 2 1/2 hours this morning:
We’ll keep you updated on our progress. Go Montana!